01992 525637 or 07908 756279 [email protected]

Raggio di Sole – Fly TH White Extra (DRY EGG FOOD)


Dry white pate based biscuit with egg albumen, without colorants. Prepared with noble and innovative raw materials, with protein of high biological value. Suitable for Lipochrome Canaries – Available in 1 & 2kg Bags, 4kg Tubs & 12kg Sacks.


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Raggio di Sole – TH White Extra of the Fly Paté line is a dry white paste based on biscuit with egg white, without dyes for breeding canaries.

Th White Extra is an ideal paste for the breeding of lipocromic canaries (white, mosaic, frosted, etc.), absolutely free of coloring and pigmenting substances that could create unwanted gilding to the plumage. Food prepared with noble and innovative raw materials, with proteins of high biological value.

The package contains Fly Premix Paté food composed of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.

Available in 1 & 2kg, 4kg &12kg Sacks

***The supplements and vitamins sachet is now pre mixed within the egg food.

Additional information

Weight 12.5 kg

12kg, 1kg, 2kg, 4kg


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