01992 525637 or 07908 756279 [email protected]

***NEW IN*** – Air Travel Bird Cage


A unique product to transport birds by air. Compliant with IATA regulations. Fully equipped for long journeys to improve the well-being of birds when transporting overseas. This is not always a stocked item so please call and pre order.


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SKU: NZ95 Category: Tag:


THE BOSS is extremely robust and has large ventilation zones, fully equipped for long journeys. Can be taken directly to the exhibition or show without having to transfer the birds.
Made of recycled plastic, it is washable in all its parts to always guarantee a healthy and clean. 

Its structure is modular and stackable: you can purchase multiple units which fit together.

Size: 80 x 40 x 17cm

Additional information

Weight 10 kg


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