01992 525637 or 07908 756279 [email protected]

Carophyll Red


Carophyll* colouring agents aid plumage pigmentation in birds


Carophyll* colouring agents aid plumage pigmentation in birds, particularly canaries, via canthaxanthin.

The most effective time to introduce Carophyll* is during the moult when blood-flow to the feathers is at its greatest.

In the UK it is normal for Coloured Canary breeders to wait until the first moult before colour feeding, which results in many unflighted types showing very contrasting flight feathers.
In Europe, breeders prefer to colour-feed small quantities throughout the year, claiming that a more intense plumage colour is achieved.

The exact amounts of Carophyll* required in water are based on trial and error or the experience of the breeder and type of bird but it is suggested with egg food to administer from 6 – 8gms (max 10g) per Kg.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg

100grms, 10grms, 25grms, 50grm, 75grms


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