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Herb Bird Mix – Liver Tea & Strainer

Original price was: £25.50.Current price is: £19.00.

Specially formulated to Detoxify the liver and prevent liver problems in Goldfinches. 100% Natural. Approx 200gms



Special natural herb mix of plants, flowers and roots. Supports and cleanses the functioning of liver

  • Detoxification of liver
  • Fatty liver
  • Liver damage
  • Liver problems

Products can be dissolved in water (tea) to give to the birds.

A functioning liver is a precondition for healthy and productive birds.


Stinging nettle: is a strong anti-inflammatory and ensures a good immune system. Nettle has a protective effect on the liver

Chicory: the leaves, seeds and roots of chicory are used to treat liver disorders. They help fatty liver and to detox the liver

Dandelion root: vitamins and antioxidants in dandelion protect the liver and keep it healthy. It helps protect the liver from toxins and treats liver hemorrhages. It also helps to treat fatty liver disease.

Milk thistle leaves and seeds: the antioxidant-properties of milk thistle ensure perfect liver detoxification and even repair of damaged liver tissue. Thanks to the substance silymarin. It can also reduce inflammation. It also strengthens the birds immune system.

Oregon grape root: contains various active substances such as alkaloids, berberine, oxyacantin. It also contains tannins, resins and fats. For example, alkaloids have a proven antibacterial effect in bacteria such as E.coli. The substance berberine fights fungi etc. For the liver, it is a real detoxifier so that the liver works better.

Dock root: curly dock root is a bitter tonic for the gall bladder and liver. It increase bile production, which helps the liver detoxification.

Greater burdocks: Large burdock contains many vitamins and many types of amino acids. Large burdock has an antifungal and bacterial-fighting effect. Bile is made by the liver. The bile substances are used to digest fats better. So the bile and liver work closely together. Large burdock has a bile-forming effect. It stimulates the liver to make bile. Furthermore, among other things, the substance phenolic acid protects the liver. It greatly strengthens the functioning of the liver. In case of a liver infection or enlarged liver, large burdock root is also very good.

Lemon balm: this flavorful leaf helps very well to detoxify the liver. Furthermore, it is also good for digestion.

Mugwort: works very well against parasites (worms). The tannins and bitter substances of mugwort are good for bile function. As a result, it detoxifies the liver and ensures a healthy and optimal functioning of the liver.

Pipsissewa: ensures that the liver processes the waste products properly. It is a good liver detoxifier.

Self-heal: helps well against liver problems. It detoxifies the liver and provides a boost for a weakened liver

Wild rose: the flowers of the rosehip contain a lot of vitamin C, flavonoids and tannins. It helps tremendously to detoxify the liver

Wooly lamb’s ear: these leaves help tremendously as a detoxifier of the liver

Chelidonium: is perhaps one of the best herbs for the liver. It is an effective liver cleanser and helps the liver detoxify

Membranaceus: helps to repair liver damage, but also prevents further liver damage. It also helps the intestines to remove toxins efficiently. It greatly relieves the workload of the liver.

Artichoke: the antioxidant in this herb helps protect liver cells and also supports renewal of liver tissue.

Licorice root: contains thanks to the compound (glycyrrhizin) a powerful treatment for liver disease. Licorice stimulates the production of interferons, which protects the liver from many toxins

Turmeric: this yellow root stimulates enzymes that help the liver detoxify. It also helps very well against fatty liver disease.

Calendula: this flower contains many active substances for many purposes. In this tea mix we use it for the liver, because marigold petals help to cleanse the liver.

Additional information

Weight .200 kg


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